How to choose a dress: |
Depending on the type of figure, constitution, breast size and achieving the desired effect, it is important to choose the right and correctly determine size, usually several parameters are valuable:
Main ranges of values of dress parameters: |
To accurately determine size of a woman's dress you need to measure the basic parameters. For the standard figure type, they are as follows:
Important: more information on the main brand sizes is available at links below. |
50/1М | 46-49 | 40-43 | 40-43 | 40-43 |
56/2М | 51-54.5 | 41.5-45 | 41.5-45 | 41.5-45 |
62/3М | 57-60.5 | 43.5-47 | 43.5-47 | 43.5-47 |
68/6М | 63-66.5 | 45.5-49 | 44.5-48 | 45.5-49 |
74/9М | 69-72.5 | 47.5-51 | 45.5-49 | 47.5-51 |
80/12М | 75-78.5 | 49.5-53 | 46.5-50 | 49.5-53 |
86/18М | 81-84.5 | 50.5-54 | 47.5-51 | 50.5-54 |
92/2Т | 87-90.5 | 51.5-55 | 48.5-52 | 52.5-56 |
98/3Т | 93-96.5 | 52.5-56 | 49.5-53 | 54.5-58 |
104/4Т | 99-102.5 | 53.5-57 | 50.5-54 | 56.5-60 |
110/5Т | 105-108.5 | 55.5-59 | 51.5-55 | 58.5-62 |
116/6Т | 111-114.5 | 57.5-61 | 52.5-56 | 60-63.5 |
122/7Т | 117-120.5 | 59.5-63 | 53.5-57 | 63-66.5 |
128/8Т | 123-126.5 | 61.5-65 | 55.5-59 | 67-70.5 |
134/9Т | 129-133 | 64-68 | 57-61 | 69-73 |
140/10Т | 135-139 | 67-71 | 59.5-63.5 | 72-76 |
146/11Т | 141-145 | 70-74 | 61.5-65.5 | 75-79 |
152/12Т | 147-151 | 73-77 | 63.5-67.5 | 78-82 |
158/13Т | 153-157 | 76-80 | 65.5-69.5 | 81-85 |
164/14Т | 159-163 | 79-83 | 68-72 | 84-88 |
170/15Т | 165-169 | 82-86 | 71.5-75.5 | 87-91 |