Dimensions of Mercedes-Benz CLK550 body and parts
Parameters of bodies of standard modifications:

AT (2006-2009):

  • Length: 4652 (mm).
Explanation of terms:
  • Body type: sedan, coupe, wagon vehicle, convertible, hatchback, pickup, etc;
  • Overall width: the transverse width of vehicle on the most protruding parts;
  • Overall length: the longitudinal length of vehicle on the most protruding parts;
  • Overall height: height from the bottom point of wheel to the highest point of vehicle;
  • Wheel size: international wheel size format.

Important: detailed data on the sizes of individual components are presented in the links below.

Cars - full drawing
General parameters of Mercedes-Benz CLK550 vehicle
General view spravka
General view

L min (mm) spravka
Minimum overall length of vehicle for various modifications of Mercedes-Benz model

Data presented in millimeters (mm)

L max (mm) spravka
Maximum overall length of vehicle for various modifications of Mercedes-Benz model

Data presented in millimeters (mm)

The number of CLK550 modifications in our database

Dimensions cars

(General view)
4652 (mm)4652 (mm)1
Parameters of Mercedes-Benz CLK550 vehicle
Parameter spravka
Vehicle parameter

Data presented in millimeters (mm)

Value spravka
Parameter value either in (mm) or in other units

AT (2006-2009)
Body typeкупе
Number of seats4
Length4652 (mm)
Width1740 (mm)
Height1413 (mm)