Wheel sizes of Lifan 630


General characteristics:
  • Wheel width in the standard state without load (B): from 125-135 to 345-364;
  • Full diameter (D): from 487-495 to 970-977;
  • Circumference (L): from 1541 to 3070;
  • Wheel profile, height (H): from 58 to 518;
  • Rpm per 1000 (m): from 326 to 649.
Possible wheel sizes for Lifan 630:
  • 15 ''
Fastener thread:

In most cases, wheel fastener thread has metric threads with fine pitch (М12х1.25/М12х1.5/М14х1.25/М14х1.5), which must correspond to the threads of thread studs or threaded holes in the wheel hub.

Important: fastening of wheel to the wheel hub is carried out using threaded connections, depending on the modification of vehicle, the designer uses bolts or studs with nuts.

Possible sizes for all Lifan models of different years of manufacture and modifications
General view spravka
General view

Tire spravka
Maximum tire sizes for Lifan

Disk spravka
Possible disk sizes for Lifan of different years of manufacture and modifications

Wheel spravka
Possible wheel sizes for Lifan of different years of manufacture and modifications

Dimensions wheels

(General view)
Table of dimensions of wheels of Lifan 630
Year spravka
Year of production

Size spravka
Tire size in format:

1. Width of work face.

2. Percentage of profile height from width.

3. R is type of construction (radial) - inner diameter (in inches).


B (mm) spravka
Wheel width:

1. Nominal wheel width (excluding protective belt).

2. Maximum width during operation.


D (mm) spravka
Wheel diameter:

1. Nominal size of outer diameter (2xR) of the wheel.

2. Maximum size during operation.


L (mm) spravka
Wheel circumference in (mm)

H (mm) spravka
Wheel profile:

Wheel profile (height) for models of different years of manufacture.


Wheel revolutions per (km) under standard conditions

1.5i II