General information: |
Classification of wipers: |
Automobile electric wipers differ structurally into the following types:
Important: as a rule, cars are equipped with only two windshield wipers, but there are models that are suitable for one or three wipers, in addition, some models are equipped with one or a pair of wipers for the rear window. |
Parameters of wind-screen wipers for Austin
General view General view | min (mm) Minimum blade size: Minimum wiper blade size among all Austin models for all years of production. Data in inches and millimeters. | max (mm) Maximum blade size: Maximum wiper blade size among all Austin models for all years of production. Data in inches and millimeters. | Models Number of models: Number of units of separately selected models. |
(General view) | from 356 to 508 | from 356 to 508 | from 279 to 508 |
Possible wiper sizes for Austin
Driver (in) Driver side: Possible wiper sizes for Austin on the driver side of all years of manufacture. Data in inches (in). | Driver (cm) Driver side: Possible wiper sizes for Austin on the driver side of all years of manufacture. Data in centimeters (cm). | Driver (mm) Driver side: Possible wiper sizes for Austin on the driver side of all years of manufacture. Data in millimeters (mm). |
356 | 356 | x |
356 | 356 | 279 |
508 | 508 | 508 |
508 | 508 | x |
356 | 356 | 356 |
400 | 400 | x |
450 | 450 | x |
406 | 406 | 279 |
Wipers Austin by models: